The Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe.
The Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe.
Lara Croft, the fiercely independent daughter of a missing adventurer, must push beyond her limits when she finds herself on the island where her father disappeared…
When their headquarters are destroyed and the world is held hostage, Eggsy flies across the Atlantic for help from the American version of the Kingsman organisation...
While home sick in bed, a young boy's grandfather reads him a story called The Princess Bride.
An ancient Egyptian princess is awakened from her crypt beneath the desert...
A Scottish professor and assorted colleagues follow an explorer's trail down an extinct Icelandic volcano to the earth's core.
In the 9th-century, two Viking children, separated since childhood (one raised by the British, the other by Vikings), meet in adulthood as rivals after war breaks out between Britain and the Vikings for control of England...
A young South Korean girl risks everything to prevent a powerful company from kidnapping her best friend - a large animal named Okja.
Captain Jack Sparrow searches for the trident of Poseidon.
When Callum Lynch explores the memories of his ancestor Aguilar and gains the skills of a Master Assassin, he discovers he's a descendant of the secret Assassins society.
Marvel films have gone big before. They’ve launched an alien invasion onto New York for The Avengers, seen half of London uprooted in Thor:...
It’s easy to condemn Disney for adapting its animations into live-action, as it seems like a creatively bankrupt endeavour, but the success of 2015’s...