A love story between two people complicated by one of them living his life out of sequence.
A love story between two people complicated by one of them living his life out of sequence.
If this is the end of Sherlock then, I have to say, so be it. In this fourth series, it has eschewed the mythology...
Sherlock’s almost manic necessity for tricky narrative transition calms down a bit this week, fortunately. There are less wipes, dissolves, and multiple POVs cluttering...
As is customary with Sherlock, there are a lot of red herrings to wade through in “The Six Thatchers” before even a whiff of...
“The Return of Doctor Mysterio” is, as Steven Moffat has acknowledged, an homage to the superhero comics of his youth, and particularly to the...
A considerable number of theories were spun about how Sherlock writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss would transplant their very postmodern take on Sherlock...
When a man pops his head out of a police box door and asks a duffle-coated Matt Lucas for an opinion on the set...
If there’s one thing that Steven Moffat’s “Hell Bent” achieves, it’s certainly not clarity. Picking up from The Doctor’s (Peter Capaldi) arrival back on...
“As you come into this world, something else is also born. You begin your life, and it begins a journey towards you. It moves...
As many have commented, the opening scenes of this week’s Doctor Who uncomfortably mirror the suspected terrorist bombing of Russian passenger Metrojet 9268, which crashed in...
Perhaps it was inevitable that Missy (Michelle Gomez) and Clara (Jenna Coleman) would escape the ‘maximum extermination cliffhanger’ by using those vortex manipulators so...
Would you leave a child to die on a battlefield? Well, you might have second thoughts if that child was Davros (Joey Price), the...