He’s the obsessed FBI agent who desperately wants to believe. She’s the cynical FBI agent who wears a cross around her neck and can...
He’s the obsessed FBI agent who desperately wants to believe. She’s the cynical FBI agent who wears a cross around her neck and can...
There’s a moment halfway through Star Wars: The Force Awakens when I realised I was completely on board with the movie. It’s the wordless...
Mockingjay simply isn’t a very long book. It’s worth acknowledging that when pondering why it was a misguided decision to split the final Hunger Games...
Bureaucracy on film is a subject that, for obvious reasons, has always been best approached by filmmakers working under authoritarian governments, specifically in Eastern...
One of this summer’s biggest box-office disappointments was Disney’s Tomorrowland, from director Brad Bird (The Iron Giant, Ratatouille). It made $208m worldwide, but cost...
The Jurassic Park franchise has always been looking back 65 million years (wondering how modern man would cope with the return of prehistoric animals),...
If you’re going to entrust any director with the task of delivering a gripping film about loneliness in the vast emptiness of space, surely...
Laziness is how we get films like Pixels. The desperately sad lack of commitment on display here is astounding, as Adam Sandler and cohorts...
Waterworld still evokes feelings of cinematic misfortune, two decades after the post-apocalyptic action film’s summer release, but time’s been kind to this 1995 ‘flopbuster’. Indeed, despite...
Fairly early into Terminator Genisys, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Pops utters this line to Emilia Clarke’s Sarah Connor: “This is a meaningless gesture. To hold onto...
To celebrate this weekend’s release of Colin Trevorrow’s Jurassic World (22 years after Steven Spielberg’s monster hit cinemas), below are retrospective reviews for the original...
The helicopter blades whirling over greenery in the opening of Alex Garland’s Ex Machina are eerily, deliberately reminiscent of Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park. The parallels...