A young boy in Hitler's army finds out his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home.
A young boy in Hitler's army finds out his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home.
The Night King and his army have arrived at Winterfell and the great battle begins...
It’s a common writing device, on the eve of action-packed instalments, to renew an audience’s love and understanding of the characters involved. “A Knight...
The long wait is over. Game of Thrones is back for a six-part farewell season after 20 long months off-air. And, as is customary...
When a young boy triggers the return of lethal alien hunters to Earth, only a ragtag unit of ex-soldiers and a disgruntled science teacher can prevent the carnage.
The finale was a good antidote to the breakneck pace of season 7, as 80-minutes allowed more space for the character interactions this year’s...
There have been epic battles on Game of Thrones before, but never one this early in the season, or involving no clearcut “enemies”. Matt...
The title refers more to Cersei’s actions than anyone else’s, but “The Queen’s Justice” otherwise makes clear the differences between the two strong Queens...
This second episode, “Stormborn”, was notable for how the past kept echoing around every decision being made. You can’t move for history and tradition...
This week on Game of Thrones, another old favourite made his belated return, the Stark siblings tried to build their army, Jaime arrived in the Riverlands to...
This week on Game of Thrones, there were two heartfelt reunions, two clever manipulations, a secret plan was put into motion, and everything ended...
This week on Game of Thrones, the older generation came under threat from the younger generation, various people made plans to return home, there were no less...