Five young mutants, just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will, fight to escape their past sins and save themselves.
Five young mutants, just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will, fight to escape their past sins and save themselves.
After the fire and fury of “The Bells“, it was inevitable the series finale of Game of Thrones would be a more sedate affair....
If you were expecting “The Bells” to pick up where we left off, with the commencement of a great battle between Daenerys (Emilia Clarke)...
Last week’s spectacular battle against the Night King and his White Walkers got a mixed reception from audiences, as there were storytelling decisions that...
The Night King and his army have arrived at Winterfell and the great battle begins...
It’s a common writing device, on the eve of action-packed instalments, to renew an audience’s love and understanding of the characters involved. “A Knight...
The long wait is over. Game of Thrones is back for a six-part farewell season after 20 long months off-air. And, as is customary...
A caveman called Dug unites his Stone Age tribe against a mighty Bronze Age enemy, led by Lord Nooth, where a game of football will decide their fate...
The finale was a good antidote to the breakneck pace of season 7, as 80-minutes allowed more space for the character interactions this year’s...
The penultimate episode is usually where Game of Thrones would flex its ‘action movie’ muscles, by throwing a good portion of the budget at...
This second episode, “Stormborn”, was notable for how the past kept echoing around every decision being made. You can’t move for history and tradition...
It’s the beginning of the end for HBO’s all-conquering fantasy Game of Thrones, which begins a bisected final season, with just 7 episodes this year...