It Follows opens with a shot of a quiet, average suburban street, with the seeming calm of the camera’s slow pan across the neighbourhood interrupted...


There’s a theory espoused by former Grantland editor Bill Simmons that sometimes people are just ready for certain movies; that the success of some...


Waterworld still evokes feelings of cinematic misfortune, two decades after the post-apocalyptic action film’s summer release, but time’s been kind to this 1995 ‘flopbuster’. Indeed, despite...


It’s hard to imagine there’ll be a film this year as inventive and audacious as Pixar’s newest offering Inside Out. That might seem like...


If you were a teenager in the 1990s, there’s a big possibility you still use lines from Clueless in your everyday life. Between “As...

ant-man (2015)

ANT-MAN (2015)

Ant-Man, the newest film in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a little rougher around the edges than some of the studio’s recent offerings, but...


Thoroughly bizarre from start to finish, The Voices is the brainchild of screenwriter Michael R. Perry (whom I’ll always respect for writing Millennium episode “The...


With Knock Knock, director Eli Roth (Hostel, Cabin Fever) progresses from “torture porn” to psychological torture, but with a premise straight out of porn....


Fairly early into Terminator Genisys, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Pops utters this line to Emilia Clarke’s Sarah Connor: “This is a meaningless gesture. To hold onto...

MINIONS (2015)

The question Minions needed to answer was whether the cute Despicable Me critters are compelling and amusing enough to carry their own film. It’s hard to...

SLOW WEST (2015)

The Britop music scene’s produced some curious turn-ups in recent years. Brian Cox from D:Ream, now better known as a celebrity physicist; then the...