SPIDER-MAN 2 (2004)
Peter Parker is beset with troubles in his failing personal life as he battles a former brilliant scientist named Otto Octavius.
Peter Parker is beset with troubles in his failing personal life as he battles a former brilliant scientist named Otto Octavius.
With Spider-Man's identity now revealed to the world, Peter asks Doctor Strange for help, but when a spell goes wrong dangerous foes from other worlds start to appear...
David Harbour delves into the enigmatic history of his legendary acting family, as he examines his father's legacy and role in a made-for-TV play.
Six years after the events of "Wreck-It Ralph", Ralph and Vanellope discover a wi-fi router in their arcade, leading them into a new adventure to the internet...
It may have taken its title from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s quote “Show me a hero and I’ll show you a tragedy” but as David...
The wheels finally came off Nick Wasicsko’s (Oscar Isaac) mayorship this week, as the oleaginous Henry Spallone (Alfred Molina) promised the white residents of...
Things got ever more sticky for our increasingly beleaguered hero this week as Nick (Oscar Isaac) found himself desperately trying to save Yonkers from...
Things got ever more problematic for poor Nick Wasicsko (Oscar Isaac) this week, as he received bullets in the post, faced down furious citizens,...
Hello, and welcome to David Simon’s (The Wire) newest show: a six-part HBO miniseries set in Yonkers during the 1980s, which is also the best thing...