A film crew arrives to make a movie at Downton Abbey while the Grantham family receives news of an unexpected gain in France
A film crew arrives to make a movie at Downton Abbey while the Grantham family receives news of an unexpected gain in France
The story of screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz's developing Orson Welles' iconic 1941 masterpiece Citizen Kane.
The continuing story of the Crawley family, wealthy owners of a large estate in the English countryside in the early-20th-century.
There are a million and one considerations when it comes to executing a 151-minute long finale. Should you leave viewers on a cliffhanger? Do...
Sense8 is a curious beast. Built for bingeing, but produced with the leisurely pace of a film trilogy, it’s a test of one’s patience…...
Having invigorated sci-fi action with 1999’s The Matrix, Andy and Lana Wachowski have struggled to match their cyberpunk sensation. Two inferior sequels followed in 2003,...