A promising young drummer enrolls at a music conservatory where he's mentored by a tyrannical instructor...
A promising young drummer enrolls at a music conservatory where he's mentored by a tyrannical instructor...
Axel Foley returns to Beverly Hills after his daughter's life is threatened...
Decades after surviving the Nostromo incident, Ripley is sent to re-establish contact with a terraforming colony but finds herself battling more aliens...
A socially isolated woman with a fondness for arts and crafts, horses, and supernatural crime shows, finds her increasingly lucid dreams trickling into her waking life.
Summer brings new jobs and romances, but the mood shifts when Dustin's CB radio picks up a Russian broadcast, and Will senses something is wrong...
Two corrupt cops in New Mexico start blackmailing and framing criminals they run into, but make the mistake of intimidating someone more dangerous than they are.