In 1970s California, a young man finds a new life and new friends as a porn star...
In 1970s California, a young man finds a new life and new friends as a porn star...
Street-smart Nathan Drake is recruited by seasoned treasure hunter Victor "Sully" Sullivan to recover a lost fortune amassed by Magellan.
An undercover cop and a mole in the police attempt to identify each other while infiltrating an Irish gang in South Boston.
Scooby and the gang uncover a plot to unleash the ghost dog Cerberus upon the world.
When two Boston police officers are murdered, ex-cop Spenser teams up with his no-nonsense roommate, Hawk, to take down criminals.
The story of the kidnapping of 16-year-old John Paul Getty III, and the desperate attempt by his devoted mother to convince his billionaire grandfather, Jean Paul Getty, to pay the ransom.