Member Directory

Asif discovered the only way of living a thousand lives in a single lifetime is to experience stories. Born and raised in an unknown corner of Southeast Asia, he tries to expand his experience of life around the world through movies and television. He has been published in The Ascent and loved to write about whatever excites him on Medium and Quora.

Indie author, journalist and film/tv enthusiast writing from St. Louis, MO (USA).

Sam is an avid consumer of genre films, having grown up on 1980s movies. Kick his door down on a Saturday night, and you’ll most likely find him in front of the TV building a LEGO set. He lives in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with his girlfriend and their two cats.

Author, film nerd, proverbial Brighton rock.

Writer, confessed geek, pop culture enthusiast, love films, TV and comics, Twin Peaks and Person of Interest super-fan.

I'm a freelance film critic and journalist living in the Midwest of the USA, and I've seen every canonical Air Bud film and written extensively on them.

I’m freelance film journalist and an aspiring filmmaker based in Manchester, UK. I graduated from Liverpool John Moore’s University and currently own an overpriced and underused degree in Broadcasting and Film. When I’m not watching movies, I’m usually consuming an unhealthy amount of pop culture.

The infinite combinations of words and images fascinate me. I devour classic films, classy sci-fi, healthy (and sometimes not so healthy) food - sometimes all at once. I co-edit The Scrawl, the black sheep of literary 'zines, and contribute to the blog Plate Up. I also write fiction which has been published internationally and in translation. Short stories have appeared in various journals, including The New Welsh Review, and even shorter ones in Flash Fiction Magazine. When not cooking films and eating words, I enjoy long rambles through nature with my family and dog.

I'm a lifetime film buff (since Bambi), screenwriter, and essayist on dramatic theory and cinema history.