In Alabama, 1968, a young orphaned boy and his grandma encounter witches while on vacation...
A collection of articles concerning streaming video (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, Now TV, etc.)
In Alabama, 1968, a young orphaned boy and his grandma encounter witches while on vacation...
Kazakh television journalist Borat is sent back to the USA to help earn back his country's favour with Donald Trump.
A young newlywed arrives at her husband's imposing family estate on a windswept English coast and finds herself battling the shadow of his first wife, Rebecca...
A superstitious mother is convinced that her daughter's new boyfriend is the reincarnation of a man who tried to kill her 30 years ago.
An incredibly gifted pianist makes a Faustian bargain to overtake her older sister at a prestigious institution for classical musicians.
The story of seven people on trial stemming from various charges surrounding the uprising at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois.
A routine military exercise turns into a nightmare in the wilderness of Scotland.
A father and daughter are on their way to dance camp, but when they stop to offer the friend a ride, their good intentions soon result in terrible consequences.
After losing his wife and his memory in a car accident, a single father undergoes an agonising experimental treatment that causes him to question who he really is.